ISS - Indian Statistical Services
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is going to conduct ISS (Indian Statistical Service) on 12th May 2017 and notification will be available from 8th February 2017 from official website, so interested candidates may starts their preparation from now.
Important Dates for ISS 2017:
Events Dates
Notification will released on 8th February 2017
The online registration process started from 8th February 2017
Final date for online registration process 3rd March 2017
Examination to be held on 12th May 2017
Eligibility Criteria :
- Candidate must be citizen of India, Bhutan or Nepal
- Age of candidate must be greeter then 21 years and less the 30 years as on 1st August 2017.
Educational Qualification:
Postgraduate degree from an Indian university in Statistics or Applied Statistics or Mathematical Statistics.
Examination Pattern for ISS 2017:
The exam will be held in two parts:
Part-I: Written examination:
Subject Maximum Marks Exam Duration
General Studies 100 3
General English 100 3
Statistics 1 (Objective) 200 2
Statistics II (Objective) 200 2
Statistics III (Subjective) 200 3
Statistics- IV (Subjective) 200 3
Part II:
Viva-voce of such candidates as may be called by the Commission, carrying a maximum of 200 marks.
Candidates who qualify written exam will be eligible for Interview.
Study Materials / Classes
Ever wondered , What an ISS officer does ?
ISS officers come under Ministry of statistics & programme implementation. The Officers of the Indian statistical Service are posted in almost all the major Ministries and Departments / Organizations and are responsible for Data Management and Administration of collection, compilation, analysis and dissemination of statistical reports in a multidisciplinary domain. The officers of Indian Statistical Service play a vital role in collection, compilation and analysis of valuable information related to governance leading to compilation of official statistics at national level in core sectors in addition to supporting and collaborating with the State Statistical System. They are also responsible for conducting all major surveys, with all India coverage in all sectors.