IES - Indian Economic Services
The UPSC conducts a combined competitive examination for recruitment to Grade IV officers of the services of Indian Economic and Indian Statistic.
IES 2018
Important Dates
- Date of Notification: February, 2018
- Last Date to Apply: March, 2018
- Date of Exam: May, 2018 (3 Days)
Eligibility Criteria:
Education: You should have post graduate degree from a recognized university in Economics or Applied Economics or Business Economics or Econometrics.
Age: You must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the age of 30 years on 1st August of the year of exam.
Exam Pattern:
Part I is written examination carrying a maximum of 1000 marks. The exam is of conventional type. Part II is viva-voce of such candidates as may be called by the Commission, carrying a maximum of 200 marks.
Subject Marks Time
General English 100 3 hours
General Studies 100 3 hours
General Economics - I 200 3 hours
General Economics - II 200 3 hours
General Economics - III 200 3 hours
Indian Economics 200 3 hours
IES Syllabus :
- General English
- General Studies
- General Economics (Paper-I):
- Theory of Consumer’s Demand
- Theory of Production;
- Theory of Value;
- Theory of Distribution Welfare;
- Economics Concept of national income and social accounting;
- Theory of Employment, Output and Inflation;
- Mathematical Methods in Economics.
- General Economics (Paper-II):
- Concept of economic growth and development and their measurement;
- International Economics;
- Balance of Payments;
- Money and Banking;
- Statistical and Econometric methods
- General Economics (Paper-III)
- Environmental Economics;
- Urbanization and Migration;
- Financial and Capital Markets;
- Fiscal policy and its Objectives;
- State, Market and Planning
- Indian Economics (Paper-IV):
History of development and planning; Decentralized Planning; Union-State financial relations; Poverty, Unemployment and Human Development during plan period; Agriculture and Rural Development; India’s experience with Urbanization and Migration; Industry; Labour.
Study Materials / Classes